older tertiary câu
In the meantime, we have at least tertiary evidence that--Trong khi đó, ít nhất chúng ta vẫn còn bằng chứng gián tiếp Primary over the...

become older
People become older thanks to medical progress.Tuổi thọ ngày càng tăng hơn trước, do tiến bộ y tế. “Aches and pains are part of the de...

older sibling
Although I may have never met you, you’re still my older sibling.Dù chúng ta chưa từng gặp mặt, anh vẫn là anh trai của em. One older ...

older sister
My parents and my older sister were killed in a car crash.Cha mẹ và anh trai tôi đã chết trong một tai nạn xe hơi. I was born on Septe...

early tertiary
The earliest evidence suggests ants began farming as early as 70 million years ago, in the early Tertiary period.Bằng chứng sớm nhất ch...

late tertiary
Further back in time, in the late Tertiary, there were many more different types, including the bizarre "shovel tuskers" like Platybelo...

tertiary education
Ntec (National Tertiary Education Consortium)Toàn Quốc Học viện Ntec (National Tertiary Education Consortium) Ntec (National Tertiary E...

tertiary era
These began to dominate the conifers during the Tertiary era (65 to 2 million years ago) when forests covered the globe.Chúng bắt đầu t...

tertiary industry
Buoyed by the steady economic growth, China’s job market is getting stronger support from the tertiary industry.Nhờ tăng trưởng kinh tế...

tertiary period
The earliest evidence suggests ants began farming as early as 70 million years ago, in the early Tertiary period.Bằng chứng sớm nhất ch...

tertiary recovery
Tertiary recovery is started when secondary oil recovery techniques are no longer enough to sustain production, but only when the oil c...

tertiary sector
This means the services-heavy tertiary sector is now more than half of the economy.Điều này có nghĩa là khu vực dịch vụ đã chiếm tới hơ...

falls in older adults
There are three major reasons for falls in older adults:Có 3 nguyên nhân chính gây ngất ở người lớn tuổi: Increase the risk of falls i...

international day of older persons
And there’s even one for me – the International Day of Older Persons.Còn có một ngày khác đó là ngày quốc tế người cao tuổi. 01 Octobe...

protein tertiary structure
Protein tertiary structure is the three dimensional shape of a protein.Cấu trúc bậc ba của protein là hình dạng ba chiều của một protei...

tertiary sector of the economy
Tertiary sector of the economy.Vùng kinh tế trọng điểm. Once a city with a strong industrial character, São Paulo's economy has follow...